Good News! to all the DotA addicts out there (such as myself).
There will be a new hero in DotA version 6.68
I’ve read countless DoTA blogs and forum unfortunately IceFrog has yet to release the hero’s abilities and skills.
One thing is for sure, icarus is just one of the new heroes they are developing for DotA version 6.68.
Q and A session with IceFrog:
Q: Can you tell us something about 6.68?
A: It is still a work in progress and needs some time, but it will have new heroes, more balance improvements, and some new features as well. Here is one of the new heroes in development: Icarus, the Phoenix
There are some forums and blog sites that are already debating and discussing the possible skills and primary stat.
Some say the said hero will be Intelligence base while other basing on the name “Phoenix” said it’s going to be more on agility.
But one thing for sure; DotA version 6.68 is going to be pretty exciting!
New Heroes means New Startegy