Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do you agree?


Last night as pooh and I were searching the internet, particularly for cool themes to complement my cool new phone SE G900. After 48 years my phone finally decided to give up on me and retire. The whole reason that I was a bit hesitant to buy a new phone because I know a new phone will just emerge in the next 15 minutes, either better or have more/better features! And I always have separation anxiety over my phone. The music, Pictures, contact since my old N3250’s memory card is not compatible with my new phone… so I have to manually transfer a lot of stuff…. but it was so worth it!

So as I was looking at that site, this theme got my attention. Now I am not going to make any conclusion but it’s just amazing that this is the general view of women over men. What’s worse than that this is also the perception of men to his fellow “team mate”.

What do you think? Is this a bit unfair or just right? Let me know..


  1. Hmm.. does that heart down under means a man's heart is located right where the "birdie" is? heheh.. to some guys, maybe it's partly true...

  2. yeah... i mean i am avoiding being general... but its partly true!and i agree with it
