Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thank you for the support!

Are you Happy?... I am now!

Thank you for making my one and only entry, so far! (Are you happy?) your featured 6-word Story for the month of November.

For that i would like to thank the author of for posting my short story!

thanks in advance for the book that you will be sending me..\(",)/

For all of those who are not familiar with this site,

The site is dedicated to the shortest form of fiction – the six-word short story — inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s “For sale: Baby shoes, Never worn” story and made for people who would like to tell their own stories in 6 words.

Rock on!

- Dhon.


  1. congrats dhon! i don't have the book yet. i'll let you know when i do. :-)

  2. Yoohooo!!!!!!
    Thanks Dibi! we need to take a picture of it diay!!!
