Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moleskine Entry: Comfort Zone....

Date: 10/26/2008

I will be traveling to manila tomorrow!for 3 days!
Talking about leaving my comfort zone! Ill be going to a city really am not fond off (Traffic, pollutions, crimes etc.). Well maybe just curious, cause I hear a lot about this city. They have exciting places to go through, amazing choices for night life! And a whole lot more…
It’s stepping out of my comfort zone for the reasons, I am going there all alone, staying at a hotel alone, and going to work alone. Alone! Alone! Alone! No familiar faces, no close friends just acquaintances.
I will be meeting up with some manila supervisors that I normally communicate either by email or by phone. WOW! Plus my schedule is super super early! I have to be at work at 6:30 pm!
Well I am their for a business trip, and not for leisure so might as well accept that fact.
This will be a big step for me since I am the types that really do not travel into unfamiliar places alone!
I usually have a friend or pooh with me. In a way this is a test for me if I am really ready to get out of the comfort bubble I built to be indestructible. If I am ready to face the world outside my little paradise, if I survived this with flying colors then that means I am really ready to get out and move on!

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