Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 1 - Random Thoughts

I suddenly found myself staring at the rain and then realize that it is indeed over.
It took almost 24 hours for that news to really sink in to my system i guess it was just waiting for the Vodka to vanish so i can take over.

As i was staring at my phone, i realize that i was about to send a message to you like what i always do to keep you updated on what i have been doing and telling you to Eat, Rest and this also includes the I love yous.  

Today was Hell for me. I am constantly fighting the urge to cry and to send you an iMessage to tell you to choose me instead of him. That i deserve your love and not him. These Thoughts and ideas just keep on popping in my head.. that i actually play my MUSIC on a MAX Volume so i won't hear myself think anymore and just focus on my work and the task that needs to be accomplished.

I am waiting for that time that i will be tired... Tired of feeling sorry for myself, Tired of having to feel like crap everyday and waiting for you to change your mind.

 I must accept reality.. It’s never gonna happen. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Starting a new

I asked myself while I was smoking. "What did you learn today?" i answered enthusiastically. "I learn that in the Game of Love. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But no matter what happens do not give up on your dreams. If one person walks out on you and leaves you high and dry. Remember that is just one Love Lost versus a hundred or even thousand people who still loves you. The kind of love they can or will offer you don’t matter, Love is Love and it is Universal..."

So i will go to sleep tonight with that thought in my head and i will know that tomorrow will be great day.  It’s time to start a new.